
Merry Christmas! I pray you are finding some rest in this busy season. A few weeks ago, my mom said, “I plan to enjoy Christmas more by doing less.” That struck me and I quietly said to myself, “Me too.” 

Since that conversation, we have hosted 18 people for an annual Friendsgivingmas, went to the mountains for a weekend, hosted a 16 teen girls Christmas party, and have one more birthday party to go to this coming Saturday. I didn’t get my kids’ teachers the homemade gifts I had planned since November. I didn’t make the cookies I really wanted for the cookie exchange party. I’m behind in laundry and dishes. I don’t have all the presents bought or wrapped. Not all the boxes have been checked off my list and I’m afraid they won’t all be by Sunday night. 

I give you a glimpse into my life because I know I’m not alone. So many of us are hanging on for dear life and just as we want to slow down and savor this season, we fill our calendars up. 

What I do know is that I come to the manger at Christmas and give it all to Him and I know that He just wants me, not all the boxes. I gave myself grace and got the gift cards and made the “easy”
Cookies. Some presents will be “on their way” and I will always lose the laundry/dishes fight. 

So give yourself grace as we all bow to the true reason for the season. 
“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” Luke 2:11

-Mrs. Blankevoort